Découvrez le café-librairie des Roulottes des Korrigans

Looking for a sweet break? Stop by our café-library and order a small snack ! We propose you a home-made cake (and ice creams in summer!), a card of teas, fruit juices, choice of organic products.

Dive into our book stock !

New and used books

Relax by browsing our shelves novels and poetry or in one of our books on the tales and legends to know more about the little people and the mysterious creatures that haunt our lands. Are you more of a gambler? We put at your disposal board games.

Come and see what's new!

And if you need to be "re-connected" to the real world, take advantage of the wi-fi network accessible free of charge from the café-library.

Enjoy a relaxing break in
our café-library

The café-library is open to all and every day (except Monday and Thursday) from 3:30 pm.


Our schedules :

February 14 to 22 :

Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3:30pm until the end of the evening catering service (variable times).


February 28 to March 29: Fridays and Saturdays from 3:30 p.m.


From April 1 :

Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3:30pm until the end of the evening catering service (variable times).

Unique in Brittany : Happy Hour café-library-spa

Unique in Brittany : the café-library-spa des Roulottes des Korrigans offers you the afternoons with friends (and buddies!).

In Happy Hour Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 12:30 to 4pm (excluding public holidays).

Offer for 2 persons: 40 €.

  • 30 minutes of jacuzzi,
  • 2 hot drinks (coffee, tea or chocolate),
  • 2 used books of your choice

Reservation required for the jacuzzi session at 02 98 81 41 62

So call your friends and enjoy it anytime!